martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


I wakee up at 6:30, then take a showea and get read to school, sometime when i have time i drink a glass of milk and cookies or sometimes fruit with honey or sometimes cereal, but there are days when i dont havve time to eat anything.
Then i come to school and i ways bring an appleor something smal to eat between classes, and during my break i prefer to bring my own foodbecause the food they sell here is expensiveand not very good, so i preferbringing some fruit ith chilly powder and a sandwich or something like that, sometimes cookies or ice cream.

When i arrive to my house and eat the food that my mom prepares and eat with my family.

Then i go to the gym and take a shower, when i come back i like eating fruit with cottage cheese, honey and nuts.

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Love story[1] comic

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I consider that the education is a very important topic and something that the parents must take importance of, because all the life depends on that because if you don’t have a good education you won’t never get a good job, despite from that, the values and education that everybody must have are more important that everything.
I am very grateful with my parents because I got the best education I could had, the best values and the best from everything.
In kindergarten I went to College “La Paz”, in this grade I learnt how to write and do the basic things, I really don’t remember a lot from this off course but the little things that I remember I think of it as a very cute part of my life and I remember with love because I still see sometimes my teachers and they still remember me even though it was like 15 years ago.
My mom told me that I liked going to school, that I never cried or something so I think I enjoyed and had fun at kindergarten.
I cursed elementary school at the same College “La Paz”, this part I remember more. I liked because all my friends from kindergarten were still my friends in elementary school so we were all like a big family.
In this grade I learnt how to do math’s and  get better at reading and writing, I started speaking English better because we had English quiz every Friday, I started to learn about the world in history and geography, and we had biology too, the assignment that they take more importance is Spanish, math’s and English.
At junior high school I was at the same school J I really enjoyed this part, we were all like brothers and sisters because we had been together since we were in kindergarten so we knew each other very well, at this part we learnt more like chemistry and things like that, we went to the laboratory to do experiments and we had a higher level of English, I really enjoyed junior high school, and I really love my school “La Paz”.
Then in high school  I had to change so I came to “La Salle”, at the beginning it was difficult and different because I came from a little school to a huge one, but I adapted very easily and then I started making new friends and enjoying it too, it was hard because of the new subjects but because of the good education I had I could do it very well.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011
<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_6690220"><strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="Pay it forward">Pay it forward</a></strong><object id="__sse6690220" width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><embed name="__sse6690220" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="355"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0 12px">View more <a href="> from <a href=" salle</a>.</div></div>

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011


It means helping peolple with out expecting somthing from them. Doing it just because you feel its the right thing to do.
When people does philantrophy they usually does it because they want to give something back to the society, either because they have the resources or the time.

In this new era not alot of people does philantrophy without expecting something. they does it because they want others to notice that they are doing something good.
Now a days with the ressesion caused by the United States of America, not  alot of people has the economic possibilities to donate money to good causes.

Philanthropy can have 2 sides, depending on the person doing it:
It should be a good act, and some people actually do it, they help from the heart. You can notice this when they don´t expect anything in return, when they are happy to give what they have, when they don’t expect to be famous for it.

Sometimes we see alot of comercial advertisments about "good causes" but they can be fraud like Televisa here in Mexico, maybe they do donate money to all those handicapped children but they used that cause to make the people watch their channel, they make us think that they a re good and we should support them and give them a lot of money, i dont mean that they arent doing something good but, in my personal opinion they dont donate all the money that they get from us.

But not only really rich people can do something about it, we can also help, maybe we don’t have money to give but there are other ways to help like giving our free time to go to centers where there are children, we can play with them, teach them something useful or trying to collect money to buy food, foment the reading in schools.

 We can see philantrophy with celebrities like angelina jolie, if they can and they have the money to help others its something remarkable, but if they are doing it just because they want all ttheir fans to notice it, its not  real philantropy.

I think philantropy its a really good thing to do, but I think that its unfair that people or associations does it just because they want something back.
So if you are doing soething that you think its good for your community you dont need to show the world that you are doing it, just do it because it makes you feel good inside.