jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

well i really liked the play, i could see they all enjoyed acting, sometimes i couldnt hear or understand but i really enjoyed it it was fun to watch i i would like to 've played with my classmates too.
i hope that some other month we will get to play again because i would really like to participate, it seemed tat my classmates had a lot of fun.
sometimes i couldnt hear or understand whatr they were sayin, and sometimes too they stayed quiet like the didnt know what to do next and things like that, it seemed that maybe they needed more rehearsal and to practice their parts even more and memorized them because sometimes thoy forgot their next line or something.
they had little technical problems too, like the music didnt start at the time it should so they stayed still and didnt know what to do, and in those parts they shoul have done somthing like acted something eventhough it was not written because those spaces were very unconmfortable for the audience and tfor them too because the stayed still and quiet.
but i know they are not real actors so they did it great i really really enjoyed wantching them because i could se they were enjoying as well.
i hope the next time i could participate too and act in a play too.
The costumes were good as well, they were very close to the real ones and the
Escenography was very good to, they spoke very good and they acted like it was very easy, but I know and im sure it was not easy to learn and memorize all the lines and all the parts that they had to act, they were very creative, like with the cars they were really funny and they got to do it very well, I think they put a lot of effort and excitement to  do  it great.
They put a lot of their time as well, beacuyes im sure it needed time to be rehearsealed and to know when was every part of eachone.
Maybe it was missing a little of more organization because sometimes they didn’t know what was next and who had to speak next or what to do, and the music saterted later to so they should have improvised in those parts.
But finally afeter all their effort and time and everuthing the play was vey good and im sure they had a lot of fun and eventhough they were tired of doing it again and again, they did it goodand the audience enjoyed watching and they enojeyd too.
My favorite par was the last dance they  had a lot of fun and it was funny to watch them dancing.

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